Jerry Dunson of Delta Steel – Cedar Hill, TX has been nominated for the International Drivers Excellence Award (IDEA).
A life of Driving
From 2007 – 2012 Jerry was a field supervisor in the oil fields before coming to Cedar Hill in September of 2015. He is no stranger to the big rig life as he has been driving for a total of 44 years. His training experience was very hands on and thorough. He rode along and shadowed for 3 weeks while his driver qualification file was being completed.
For the Long Haul
Jerry is a long haul and overnight driver. He stays out about 3-4 nights a week and travels to states ranging from Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma plus more. The main thing Jerry appreciates is consistency in his schedule and knowing what days he will be off for personal time and Delta Steel can offer him that.
Jerry has been a part of many changes during his time with Delta Steel but overall he has experienced growth and progress within the company. “I’m very satisfied with where we are heading as a company.” Jerry believes we have a great group of drivers and leadership in the traffic department which attributes to his positive work environment and he plan to retire from Delta Steel and ride off into the sunset when he is ready. Until that day comes, we need Jerry and his years of experience and look forward to the many more he can give us.
Favorite Quotation?
“Keep looking up and always have faith and God will take care of you.”
On behalf of the Delta Steel, Inc. Management Team, Congratulations Jerry Dunson on your nomination for the International Driver Excellence Award!